Inmaculada Concepción, 1658. Author: Francisco de Zurbarán. Ownership: Colección Masaveu. © image/reproduction: Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson, 2013. Photographer: Marcos Morilla.
Organised by: Kunspalast Museum, Düsseldorf jointly with the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid.
Curators: Curators: Batir Wismer, Director General of the Kunstpalast Museum, Odile Delenda, Art Historian and specialist in Zurbarán y Mar Borobia, Jefe de Pintura Antigua del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza.
Art work Colección Masaveu loaned for exhibition:
Inmaculada Concepción, 1658. Author: Francisco de Zurbarán .
Bodegón con cesto de manzanas. albaricoques, membrillos, brevas, granadas y un bernegal de porcelana, ca. 1644-1649. Author: Juan de Zurbarán.
For the first time in Germany, a retrospective comprising around 70 works will be dedicated to the Spanish Baroque painter Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664) by Museum Kunstpalast. Zurbarán, alongside Velázquez, is regarded not only as one of the most important representatives of the Spanish Golden Age, but also as one of the great figures of European painting.
The exhibition, which included valuable loans the National Gallery London, the Hispanic Society (New York) and the Alte Pinakothek in Munich, also introduced a number of the rare still lifes by his highly gifted son Juan de Zurbarán (1620–1649). The show, which was organised jointly with the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, and curated in Düsseldorf by Beat Wismer, included works which to date had never or rarely been presented to the public.
Museo Kunstpalast
Museo Kunstpalast
Düsseldorf. Germany.
Octuber 10, 2015 – January 31, 2016