The new programme aims to boost nonprofit organisations dedicated to the education and social integration of atrisk youth communities with a high school drop-out rate and, consequently, high unemployment among young people.

Fundación Lealtad coordinates the 26 nongovernmental organisations by providing training, analysis and guidance to ensure greater control over use of resources, better monitoring of programmes and activities, and more efficient programmes, among other things.<

Some of the NGOs proposed for the programme are:

Fundación Iter: This foundation’s mission is to facilitate the social and professional integration of at-risk youth in the region of Madrid.

Asociación Ciudad Joven: This association offers young people workshops to learn basic pre-employment skills and abilities and personalised road maps for integration in society and the job market.

Asociación Norte Joven: This association primarily serves young people and migrants with socio-economic difficulties who have experienced academic failure and do not have the qualifications or habits they need to enter the workforce.