Becada de Excelencia Académica de la Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson
Convocatorias II-III-IV (2009-2012)
I was born in Oviedo, 25 October, 1988…
I had a happy chilhood always with my grandparents and parents, surrounded by my family and friends. I grew up in a priviledged enviroment, very stimulating, with frequent gatherings on law and philosophy, which helped me to awaken my curiosity, which, today is still alive. I got the chance to study piano, languages and acknowledge my personal interests.
According grew, I had an internal conflict, I was aware that, despite having freedom to make my onw decistions, expecting me to he third generation of Lawyers. I could not avoid, but I had to follow my vocation in Medicine, present in my life since my earliest memories.
The untimely death of my father, not truncated my academic orientation, my passion throughout the medicine. The experience made me appreciate the miracle of life, that we try not to take for granted and feel a great admiration for my mother, her strength in the toughest moments. I turned 18 years old as a university student, The difficult access to the Medicine studies in the University of Oviedo, marked the first step to get my dream.
The University days were intense and enriching in many fields, beyond the strictly academic, thaks to invaluable support of The María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation. I found a unique vital reference Dr. Carlos López Otin, he shows me, an admirable and extraordinary human quality, much more than than his scientific achievements. I also keep personal experiences shared with a group of friends than they are like my family, that family which acquire throughout life.
At the end of my student life, came the MIR period. After too much hesitation I decided to study Cardiology speciality, I start now, full of illusion and feeling fortunate to have been able to choose what I wanted, here, in my beloved land, in the Central University Hospital of Asturias.
Soon, I´m 25 years old, I am very concious that almost everything still to be done, but I´m feeling that my ” life bachpack” is very charged. It is loaded with thanks, gratitude to the closest, gratitude to all those have contributed in many ways, many times inadvertently to my personal and professional growth. This charge stimulates me, and I assume the difficult challenge of trying not to disappoint them.
Rebeca Lorca Gutiérrez (Oviedo, Asturias, 1988) She gained Honours in Bachelor studies. Licensed in Medicine for the University of Oviedo, with 33 Honor´s . There obtained Prize Professor Antonio Pérez Casas to the best process in Morphologic Sciences, promotion 2006-2012 in the master of Medicine. As well as the Prize end of Career Severo Ochoa in the Master in Medicine,