(Saarbrücken, 1958)

The current work of Roland Fischer alternates different photographic registers. On the one hand, the projection of portraits on monumental formats, furnishing the genre with pictoriality and mystery. On the other, his compositions on architectures that usually alternate overlays and transparencies, offering multiple viewpoints at the same time, images of facades with hints of Constructivism and a passion for geometric resources that extract the building out of context or its relationships with space and time, providing it with a new formalism that emphasizes its abstract structure. His work is present in the major international museums and photographic collections.


Architectures. Museo Casal Solleric, Palma, Spain
Galeria Pelaires, Palma, Spain
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne
Centre Culturel La Maison Rouge, Paris
The Complete Series I-IV.Galeria La Caja Negra, Madrid
Corps-Histoire.IAC (Institut d’Art Contemporain), Villeurbanne, France
The Human Touch.Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Oregon USA

REPRODUCTIBILITAT 1.0. Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma, Spain
Frauen – Liebe und Leben. Sammlung Klöcker.LehmbruckMuseum, Duisburg
Images for Images – Artists for Tichy – Tichy for Artists. GASK, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Encounters. Beatriz Esguerra Art, Bogota
Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art – SmoCA
BABEL. Le Botanique, Centre Culturel de la Communauté Française, Bruxelles
The Edge of Vision.Louisiana Museum of Art and Science, Baton Rouge

Language games. Centro de Artes Visuales Helga de Alvear, Caceres
Marca di Fábrica.CAB Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos, Burgos
Retrospective Roland Fischer.Saarlandmuseum Saarbruecken
Roland Fischer and Flatz FLATZ Museum, Dornbirn
Clay Centre for the Arts and Sciences, Charleston
Galeria Presenca, Oporto

Rheingoldhalle Mainz, Kunst und Wissenschaft im Dialog
Centro de Arte La Regenta, Las Palmas
Museu d’Art Modern Contemporani de Palma, vis-a-vis
Galería Maior, Pollenca
Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona
Von Lintel Gallery, New York
Walter Storms Galerie, Munich
Retrospective Roland Fischer. Museo Domus Artium DA2, Salamanca


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