Masaveu Collection. Sorolla
Publisher: Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson, 2023.
Authors: María Soto Cano. Pedro Martínez Plaza.
Graphic Design: Setanta
ISBN español: 978-84-09-49978-6
ISBN inglés: 978-84-09-49979-3
DL ESPAÑOL: M-10927-2023
DL INGLÉS: M-10928-2023
Language: Spanish.
Language: English.
Translation: Polisemia
Characteristics: Pages: 183. Dimensions: 31 x 25 x 2 cm. Hardback or hardback binding. Issue no.: 1. Available for sale in Generalitat Valenciana bookshops.
The proceeds from the sale of this catalogue, which has been edited and produced by the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation, will go entirely to the restoration of the work belonging to the Valencia Fine Arts Museum, El cabo Noval (1910) by Antonio Muñoz Degrain (Valencia, 1840-Málaga, 1924), on the occasion of the centenary of his death.