Comunicación con fines de promoción cultural de artistas incluidos en la Colección Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson protegidas por derechos de propiedad intelectual. Prohibida su reproducción, total o parcial, ni tratamiento por cualquier medio ni transmisión o cesión de cualquier forma, sin autorización del titular de los derechos sobre las obras.
Shapiro, Joël. VEGAP, Madrid 2024
Author: Jöel Shapiro (Nueva York, 1941)
Title: Untitled
Year: 1999
Medium: wood and oil
Dimensions: 200 x 87,5 x 73,7 cm
This work originally owned by the Pace Wildenstein Gallery in New York passed to the Foundation Mireille and James Lévy in 2000 and was purchased by the Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson at Christie’s, New York, on 10 March 2022 (Lot 181).
Made in 1999, it is one of Shapiro’s characteristic dynamic works with anthropomorphic echoes, composed of simple painted-wood rectangular parallelepipeds. This particular one recalls a standing human figure, arms held high and legs apart in a teetering, gravity-defying poise. The intense compositional diagonals of the configuration open the forms to the space, highlighting their physical interaction with it and creating a precarious balance. The sculpture’s interplay of colours, based on a combination of ochre and red, are used to great effect, facilitating the association of the piece with a human figure, a bizarre being that dominates and even seems to disturb the stillness of the room.